Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Three Great Yogilates Moves for Your Abs

1. Hammock
Targets abdominals as well as glutes, arms, chest, and shoulders
a) Sit tall with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor; place your hands on the floor behind you at about a 45-degree angle; lean back.
b) Keeping your arms straight, inhale as you lift your hips until the front of your body—knees to shoulders—is in one straight line.
c) Lower your hips to the floor, straightening your legs out in front of you as you come down to a seated position.
d) Place your hands next to your thighs and lean forward, pulling your abs in toward your spine.
e) Then push down through your hands to lift your hips off the floor. Hold here.

Once you're strong and comfortable enough with the parts of this move, connect them so they flow one into the other with your breath. It should go something like this: Lift into your bent-legged table top plank (as shown above) or into a straight-legged reverse plank, lower your hips toward the floor without touching it. Then immediately push your hips through and past your straight arms as though you were sitting on a swing and someone were pulling you back. Bring your hips back, lower them to the floor, and relax.
Repeat 5 to 10 times.

2. Double leg stretch
Strengthens and tones the abs
a) Lie on the floor, bend and hold onto your knees, and curl your shoulders up off the floor.

b) Keeping your hips down and your lower back pressed into your mat, extend your legs up and out at a 45 degree angle to the floor as you reach your arms straight up (biceps near ears) forming a wide "U" shape with your body.
c) Hold this position, pressing your ribs down toward the floor.

d) Use your abs to bring your legs and arms back to starting position with your knees bent.
Repeat 5 to 10 times.

3. Side twistsWorks all ab muscles, in particular the obliques
a) Lie on your back with arms extended out at your sides, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Lift your bent legs to form a right angle with your torso.
b) Keeping both legs together and both your shoulders pressing into the floor, twist and drop your legs to the left until they're halfway or nearly touching the floor.

c) Bring your knees back to center and twist and drop them to the right side without bringing them to the floor. Return to center.
Repeat 3 to 5 times per side.

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