Monday, January 30, 2012

Tone your tum with yoga

Tone your tum with yoga

Strengthen your core with this hard-hitting sequence.
As well as toning your stomach, abdominal training will help to prevent you from sustaining injuries and bring more body awareness into all your physical activity. In yoga, we work on developing a strong core to protect the spine, improve posture and, when integrated with breath work, to aid in digestive processes. Try the following sequence four times a week to tone the abdominal region. Breathe deeply through the nose and take as much time as you need to rest between poses. If you experience any pain in the lower back, or any other body part, throughout the sequence, stop and, if pain persists, seek professional help.
1. Twists with core strength

1. Twists with core strength

Lie on your back and hug your knees into your chest, with your arms out to the sides at shoulder height. As you exhale, activate your core and draw the knees over to the right underarm, looking to the left. Inhale and bring the knees back into the centre. Exhaling, take the knees to the left underarm and look to the right.
Reps: 5 each side, moving slowly
2. Leg raises

2. Leg raises

Lie on your back, lift both legs up and flex your feet. Lift your head and interlace your hands behind your neck. Squeeze the elbows towards each other. Exhaling, lower one leg down, pausing briefly as you hover just off the floor. Inhale and draw the leg slowly back up. Repeat with the other leg. Move slowly, drawing strength from the lower abdomen, not the back. For more intensity, lower both legs at the same time. Only lower your legs to a point where you can keep your lower back pressed into the floor.
Reps: 10 to 15
3. Plank

3. Plank

From all fours, lift your knees and move your feet back so your body is in one long line, wrists under shoulders. Hook your tailbone under slightly and grip the abdomen and thighs. Push the palms down, broadening the shoulder blades. Look down. If you have wrist injuries, lower to your forearms and interlace your hands. Press through the elbows.
Reps: 3 (20 seconds each)
4. Boat pose

4. Boat pose

Sit on the ground. Rock back slightly on your sitting bones and lift your legs so your shins are parallel to the floor. Place your hands under your knees for support. Draw your lower back in and open your chest. Stay here or, for more intensity, take your hands out in front of you. Stay here or work on straightening your legs. If you experience any discomfort in the lower back, keep your knees bent.
Reps: 3 (hold for 15 seconds each)
5. Eagle curls

5. Eagle curls

Lie on your back and wrap your right arm over your left at the elbow, and your left leg over your right leg at the knee. Lift both legs and keep your right knee over the hip joint. On an exhalation, firm your belly and curl your shoulders and head up so that only the tips of your shoulder blades remain on the floor. Inhale slowly with control, bringing your torso back to the floor.
Reps: 15

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