Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Arthritis and Rheumatism


The science behind hand yoga is based on the fact that the tips of our fingers have thousands of nerve endings that correlate to specific organs and areas of the body. According to the practice, bringing these nerve endings together has profound healing and balancing effects. This practice has been tested and proven over thousands of years and remains effective as ever.

The practice contains hand gestures called mudras, which influence different energy currents in our bodies by connecting fingers in special ways. Mudras, like asanas, are capable of healing from major and minor diseases, refreshing the mind, improving abilities, rejuvenating and more.

Surhabi Mudra

Surhabi Mudra, discussed in this article is mainly for easing or removing completely the symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism.

Arthritis and Rheumatism are categories or broad terms for a range of auto-immune disease that are similar to each other. There are over 200 different conditions that can be called Arthritis or Rheumatism and all of them can be addressed by practicing the Surabhi Mudra on a daily basis for at least 15 minutes each day or a few times a day. These diseases usually persist for a long time, so it is important to address them deeply by practicing regularly and the results will become apparent within a few days to a week.

The Surabhi Mudra is practiced by first extending both thumbs, then making sure the middle fingers touch the opposite index fingers, the little fingers touch the opposite ring fingers. It’s simple yet very effective. The effects usually come gradually, after constant practice for at least a few days. This requires patience, but once the results are felt, you will be amazed at how powerful hand yoga is. A simple hand gesture that can be done anywhere at anytime is capable of relieving or even curing a very difficult disease, that modern science had struggled with for ages.

If one desires to improve their life so significantly they will gain a new level of appreciation for their environment and rid themselves of any disease with the power of their mind. Hand Yoga is a practice that is only enhanced by meditation. Performing the Mudras along with meditation is a great way to maximize the effects of Hand Yoga.

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