Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Detox Yoga Release Routine

Detox Yoga Release Routine

Cat/Cow 1

The following yoga routine was designed to be performed during Week 1 of the Whole Living Action Plan on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. "You may feel bouts of low energy this week, so go easy," says fitness pro Ellen Barrett, creator of the DVD "Fusion Flow." "The twists and bends in this series massage the low back and kidneys, enhancing the detox."

Start with Cat/Cow pose: Get on all fours, with hands below shoulders, knees under hips. Exhale and round your back, pressing navel toward spine. Next, arch your back as you inhale (next image). Do 8 to 10 times

Extended Puppy

From all fours, exhale and press your heart toward the floor, lifting your hips and elongating the spine. Hold for 5 breaths

Forward Bend

With feet 4 to 6 inches apart, drape your torso over your knees and let your head relax. Hold for 5 breaths, then roll up.

Downward Dog Pose

Start on all fours, with hands under your shoulders. Curl your toes, take a breath, and, as you exhale, press into your hands, lifting your hips back. Holding the pose, keep your spine straight (bending your knees if need be) and your weight resting evenly between the legs and arms

1 comment:

  1. Holding the pose, keep your spine straight (bending your knees if need be) and your weight resting evenly between the legs and arms. Prenatal Yoga
