Sunday, September 25, 2011

Detox Fitness Plan

Standing Twist

This physically challenging twist will also raise your body temperature, which in turn increases circulation and further stimulates the release of toxins. Start in a runner's lunge with your right leg bent at a 90-degree angle and your left leg extending straight back behind you, hands on either side of your right foot. Lower your left knee to the floor, and bring your hands into prayer position (palms touching). Take a breath, then exhale, rotating your upper body to the right and bringing your left elbow to the outside edge of your right knee. Stay here for 5 breaths, then repeat on the other side.

Nose-to-Knee Plank (Part One)

This exercise brings heat to the digestive tract, burning up accumulated toxins and making them easier for the body to dispose of. Start in Downward Facing Dog (shown here). Then transfer your weight forward into the top of a push-up (shown on the next page)

Nose-to-Knee Plank (Part Two)

Bring your right knee into your chest and try to touch your nose to that knee. Pull your belly in and hold for 15 seconds. Switch sides

Seated Tree

This forward bend brings fresh blood to the abdomen, washing away waste products and revitalizing the entire area. Sit on the floor with legs straight out in front of you. Bend your left knee and bring the sole of your left foot to your inner right thigh, letting the left knee drop toward the floor. Lengthen your spine and reach forward to take hold of your right foot or shin. Twist your torso toward your right leg, folding forward at the hips over that leg. Stay here for 5 to 10 deep breaths, then switch legs

Legs Up The Wall Pose

This exercise encourages drainage of blood and lymphatic fluid from the feet and legs into the abdomen, where these fluids can be more easily cleansed. It also nourishes the digestive organs and gives the circulatory system a rest, which results in increased function and energy. 

Sit with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and right shoulder and hip touching a wall. Roll onto your back and swing your legs up, inching your butt as close to the wall as you can without straining your hamstrings. Put your arms on your belly, by your sides, or above your head. Stay for 2 minutes.

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